707 Pest Solutions

Bats In Your Attic: Dangers & How To Get Rid Of Them

Bats in attic

Bats in the attic can become a serious issue rather quickly. A bat infestation may pose some direct dangers to your health, as well as your home. Bats seek warm and dry shelter in the winter. Your attic fits both of these requirements. Unlike rodents, bats won’t chew or scratch at your electrical wires. With that in mind, you will still want to get bats under control as soon as you suspect them. Their presence in your home is cause for concern. Bats reproduce at a rapid rate, making at-home DIY treatments often ineffective. 707 Pest Solutions has a proven bat removal service designed to get rid of bats fast and keep them out for prolonged periods after the fact.

Signs Of Bats In The House Or Attic

If you notice any of the following signs, there is a high chance of a bat infestation at your home or office. Professional action should be taken to get rid of bats as soon as any of these are noticed.

Bat Droppings (Guano)

This is possibly the most common sign of bats in your home. Look for guano, or bat dung, around walls and on the ground around your home. As bats squeeze into your attic or walls, they often relieve themselves. Bat guano is small and dark in color. It also has a foul smell. If you see elongated pellets that quickly turn to dust when you press on them, it’s likely bat guano. Allowing guano to build up in the home will create health hazards for your family.

Look For Entry Points

Bats reuse the same few entry points as they enter and leave a residence. You can usually find these entry points along rooflines and wall vents. Look for greasy stains in these areas, as bats will leave behind stains when they squeeze through. 

You Hear Or See Bats

Bats are nocturnal creatures, so listen for them in walls and the attic at night. You may also be able to see bats as they come and go late at night or early in the morning. Sit outside during these hours and monitor any possible entry points. You may just spot some unwanted visitors.

The Dangers of Bats In Your Attic

bats can cause structural damage to your house if left to their own devices. Also, having bats in the attic may also create serious health risks. It’s essential to schedule bat control service at the very first sign of activity. You will want to get rid of bats in the attic or walls of your home quickly before any of the following instances occur. 707 Pest Solution has a bat removal service that excludes bats from your home and ensures they don’t return after we leave.

Structural Damage

Bats will not scratch or claw at your walls and wires. Bat damage in the home is created through their guano droppings. If you allow bats to live in the attic of your house, you are also allowing their guano and urine to pile up inside your home. These substances can seep through ceilings and insulation, eventually collapsing a structure. 707 Pest Solutions offers more than just bat removal and exclusion services. We also offer a repair service for damage caused by pests and an inspection service for home and office owners unsure if bats are in the attic. 

Spread Disease

According to the CDC, bat guano can also cause lung disease spores, such as Histoplasmosis, to spread in humans. With piles of guano and urine building up in your walls or attic, it’s only a matter of time before those piles also attract other insects. As if that’s not enough, bats are also known to spread rabies. 

Introducing Bat Mites

Often mistaken for bed bugs, bat mites are blood feeders that are a side effect of bat infestations. They look very similar to bed bugs and even act similarly. Bat mites feed on the blood of bats and will eventually find their way to other blood hosts throughout the home. Their target? Your family and pets. This is another reason to get rid of bats AS SOON AS you think you have even one bat living in your home.

Get Rid of Bats with 707 Pest Solutions

Bat removal is one of the many wildlife control services that 707 Pest Solutions offers residents of Humboldt County. Our focus is two-fold: Get rid of bats in your attic, then exclude them from ever coming back. DIY bat control is not always the best option. Contact us today to learn more about our bat control services.